natal chart reading

“Getting my chart read by Natalie was such a joyful experience. First, she as a person is so warm and validating. I felt so seen and affirmed by her reading. And second, she is also a WELL of wisdom and has such a deep understanding of astrology, and humanity, and yet it was not a one-sided conversation at all. Natalie takes the time to ask questions, and seems to relish in hearing about your experiences. As joyful as it was for me, it also seemed to be a joy for her. I’ll take the knowledge learned in my session with me throughout this year, feeling prepared & ready for all it has to offer thanks to her!!!” - SC

Your natal chart is a snapshot of the sky from the moment that you were born.

Exploring your chart can help you gain insight into who you’ve been, who you are, and who you have the potential of becoming. It can help you understand what parts of your life flow with more ease and what parts of your life may require a bit more effort. It can also be extremely validating, putting words to things that may have always felt hard to grasp or explain about yourself.

My intention is that you’ll walk away from our session feeling affirmed and having a deeper understanding of yourself, so that you’re able to move forward with more clarity.

  • All sessions are held via Zoom.

  • You will receive a recording 24-48 hours after.

  • I come from a background in traditional astrology and I work in the whole sign house system.

Please fill out the form below and I’ll email you to compete scheduling your reading.

60 min- $88